U.S. demand for raw materials from Congo transparency
Press - EPOIn the U.S. listed companies must disclose in the future, whether they use raw materials in their products from the Democratic Republic of Congo. From there often comes the rare metal tantalum in the form of tantalite, which is extracted from the coltan ore and used in laptops, mobile phones and game consoles. In resource-rich eastern Congo, where in addition to coltan and gold, tungsten and tin are mined, often armed groups control the lucrative mining industry.
How to tell the experts is, according to U.S. estimates, one fifth of the world's tantalum production from the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the central African country will also fought after the peace agreement of 2008, and killed, Anne Jung reported by the campaigns of "Fatal Transactions". Coltan is extracted from the tantalite is one of the main exports of the Democratic Republic of Congo.